Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Exit Slips

Exit slips are a way for students to reflect on the lesson. They are completed at the end of class and are usually a response to some sort of prompt. These slips are not graded, but are a way to check for student understanding of a topic. 

In my class I most often give the students an index card at the beginning of the class and ask them to title one side of the card "I get this!" and the other card "I  don't understand this." As the class progresses I encourage the students to write down what they understand and what they feel like they need more help on. This information helps me determine if I need to revisit some part of the lesson the next day. The exit slips give my more quiet and timid students an opportunity to be heard without having to take the risk of speaking out in class. 

There is a Google App called Socrative which includes an exit slip as part of the app. I have not had the chance to play around with this app yet. One downside to using this app for an exit slip would be that the students would need to have their computers out until the very end of class which could make it more difficult to get to their next class on time. 

1 comment:

  1. I used exit slips as a way to monitor my students independent work in the resource classroom. This allowed me to see what subject/assignments students were working on for their reg ed classes. It also allowed me to better judge student productivity during this independent work time.
